Tuesday, August 30, 2011

1 For your birthday one year

!9# 1 For your birthday one year

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1 1 Birthday Party Invitations for Baby Celebration!

Even if your child does not remember much, probably always have fond memories of your child's first birthday and the important first Birthday Party Invitations. It 'easy to buy something special for the first time, cakes, and watch your children around the ice slide his face. However, you do not want to ruin those memories by bad planning decisions. Here are some tipsthis will help, as they prepare to begin the first birthday Invitations.

1 Birthday Party Invitation: the guest list

Many parents make a big mistake to keep a list of special guests and sending tons of first birthday invitations for the event. You really want to keep the guest list to a minimum. Remember, this is a time for family to come together and see one of the most precious milestones in child development. You do not want that ruined by ensuringDozens of guests and their children, if you should look at these moments. Keep the number of cards for kids birthday party invitation to send to a minimum. Only invite family and close friends. If you want to invite children, keep the number to a minimum and the planned activities for entertainment such as DVD or coloring books.

1 Birthday Cards: Posture

If you've read a lot of birthday planning forums, you will inevitably be some parents whowants to throw a big party for sending in the first Birthday Party Invitations. Places that are rented as Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate the big event. Also here is not that a good idea. Rental of these places is a perfect choice if you celebrate the birthdays of children, especially invite school children, tons of friends. With this party, you will be on a 1-year-old who does not have the ability to focus on the games or the food. The best place to write on eachfirst birthday party invitation is your home, a party room in your area or possibly a park. There is no reason to book an expensive location, if the child does not even remember this event. Keep it small and intimate then save the big party for a few years later.

1 Birthday: Gifts

Even if your child only one year of age, you probably ask the people who want what the child as a gift. There is no reason to put a gift registry or anything, but you shouldhave some idea in mind of presents from a wide range of prices that you can tell guests when asked. Do not include this information in the first birthday party invitations. This is simply rude. Just have the list ready in case someone asks. You can also ask the guests, so you know, what to buy, so there is no duplicate gifts.

1 For your birthday one year

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Birthday Party Games for Kids

!9# Birthday Party Games for Kids

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The boys are wild and play harder. Some favorite party games that we have found our kids. You can change the rules of the game, if you want, just have fun!

Water shootings

It 's like the classic cowboys and Indians game. The boys are divided into teams and armed with spray guns. The objective is to soak the opposing team. No hostages, just full of war. Maybe you want to ensure that carry extra clothes or just playing the game on a hot summer day.There are all kinds of water sports available weapons, even the U.S. dollar stores have different shapes and sizes available.

Three Legged Race

With this game, it is important that children are close to the same size or you could drag and wounding the other. Kids should accompany an adult. Some guys in teams of two. Tie the right leg over left leg of your team. The goal is to run together, first as a unit, and the race. You can use this interesting, as he hit an obstacleOf course, or you can use a single journey from point A to point B.


The boys all have a gun and holster, or a sword and a holster, and are playing war. I encourage the children to make their weapons at any other point, but so, at the feet of their victims and shooting them dance for you. The imagination usually takes over and the boys find a way to superheroes, cowboys, bad, seems independent of their group and they need to act what they canimaginable.


The kids can dress up in pirate costumes and rebuild their favorite movie pirates. From treasure hunting to a duel of the games are limited only by your imagination ... or limits the imagination of children.

Spoon Race

It takes both a spoon and an orange, an apple, a tomato, a small ball or an egg, to play this game. The players have all had a spoon in their teeth and spend every other point to do with your hands. The article shouldto fall at the end, without, however, with younger children, this can be difficult.

A twist on the game, players place the spoon then place your hands behind your back and cross the finish line without the point.

Birthday Party Games for Kids

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